Monatsarchiv für Februar 2019

A letter to us from the Kilimanjaro smallhold farmers

On Tuesday, February 19th, in the midst of our Social Capital Monitor in Africa, we received this letter:

„Hello The Social Climate Matters, am Stephano Msuya working in the agricultural sector, experienced in agricultural projects in the Kilimanjaro region. I work at the network of smallholder farmers‘ groups of Tanzania (, we are strongly looking for donors who will support us to reduce the challenges which are facing smallholding farmers in Kilimanjaro region. In case your organization has that capacity to finance us or you may connect us with possible funders, it will be a great contribution to our transformational journey in the agricultural sector.“

Stephano is a Field Officer of the National Networks of Farmers Groups in Tanzania for the Kilimanjaro region.

When we checked their website, we saw that it was in Kiswahili and at the same day sent them a blueprint version to create the Kiswahili version of the World Social Capital Monitor. It took Stephano only one day to send us the Kiswahili version. It took us three days to bring it online and here it is.
See here a wonderful film on how MVIWATA helps Tanzanian farmers:

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admin am 23. Februar 2019 in Allgemein