Financing Development: Where is the Market Price for Peace?
While most of the countries and their statistical offices still believe that the 17 UN Goals are an audit for the year 2030 only – and therefore enhance their capacity building to delivering their right figures – the single Goals such as Goal 1 (Overcoming poverty), 13 (Stopping Global Warming) or Goal 16 (Peace) according to the estimates need funding up to $ 5tn per year.
The recently launched UN Inter Agency Task Force (IATF) on Financing Development now published a first report for 2018 – including the figures presented by the Basel Institute of Commons and Economics: . While reading the figures we learn that the annual World development assistance is around $ 140bn per year and the World Bank reaches out credits of $ 47bn.
But unfortunately only the OECD countries raise new sovereign debt at the size of $ 14tn per year. According to the Swedish SIPRI, the military expenses reached $ 1.69tn in 2016. The good thing is: both, the military expenses as well as the sovereign debt is money controlled and raised by the governments. Governmental money is a public good.
So if the governments had the will to reaching some of the more expensive SDGs such as 1, 13 and 16, they have the opportunity to shift their allocation: instead of dedicating public money to defense, weapons, war and conflict ($ 1.69tn per year) they may investing in peace.

Finally an Inter-Agency Task Force for Financing Development. The Basel Institute supports this attempt and contributes to the challenge of financing up to $5tn per year to reaching the SDG. Visit their website:
Instead of providing zero-interest-credits only to financing their own debt ($ 14tn per year), they may starting to provide zo-interest-credits to the regions of conflict and crises where they are hardly needed to rebuilding the countries such as in the Middle East, in Ukraine, in Afghanistan and Pakistan. in Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela and of course in almost the entire Africa.
If we had a market price for peace: why not expecting governmental and private investors to paying it? The peace bond is not on the market yet. After World War II many European regions have been entirely damaged. It took only ten years – from 1948 to 1958 – to establishing common prosperity by peace in most of the European countries. That peace lasted up to our year, the year 2018. Now we have to repeating this success story for countries and regions still in conflict.
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admin am Januar 11th 2018 in Allgemein